They didn't disappoint. The weather did. Obviously Zeus didn't pass that memo onto the other gods that a pretty big rock band were playing and a little less rain and wind could have been the going thing.
It was in an outside stadium and although thousands of people were on the grounds in general admission, these tickets were $20 more when I booked so I just booked the cheapest. Cheapest being up in the stands, seated (hehehe you sit in the stands). Because I was so high, the wind wasn't hindered by those pesky buildings and I haven't been quite that cold in a while.
The concert was absolutely amazing. Despite it being really cold, Eddie Vedder and the boys played for 2 and a half hours, supported by Ben Harper and kiwi fave Liam Finn. His Dad, the amazing Neil came out and everyone sang "better be Home soon" and "I got you" with the entire audience of 30 000 singing. It was very cool. Other highlights were a beautiful rendition of Under Pressure by Eddie and Ben, Evenflow, Jeremy, Better Man and a gorgeous solo acoustic version of a new song by Eddie. Just great.

So, I was on my own (all my friends were downstairs dancing in the rain). That bit wasn't the greatest. A concert is one of the few things that I'm not a fan of attending on my own. Everything else to me is no problem.
Attending theatre, or movies on my own does not bother me. I think the latter was because I worked in movie theatres for so many years, and that movies were free as many times as I liked for me, and I could take one person once a week. I just popped in to see whatever was playing when I had some spare time.
I became very popular:
Friend: Treezy, do you want to see the latest movie showing at your cinema?
Treezy: Sure, you know that it will be free for you?
Friend: Really? (mock surprise). I didn't realise that. And you can get me free coffee, icecream and popcorn as well?
I didn't mind. It didn't cost me anything, and it is nice to have someone to chat to AFTER the movie.
That really is the clincher. I started "auditioning" my friends who came to the movies with me. Some were a one appearance only deal. They did not get the part of "Treezy's cinema friend" because they were simply too annoying during the movie.
Talk as much as you like during the ads and previews, but once the film starts, SHUT THE HELL UP! I don't want to hear your opinions on every scene. I don't want to catch up during the film.
I once went with this friend and every time something was funny, I would catch him out of my peripheral vision. He would be looking at me, waiting for me to look at him to have a connection over how funny that moment was. It was very annoying.
Now I think I am a reasonable person. I just follow cinema etiquette. This is simply these simple courteous factors:
1) If the cinema is pretty empty don't sit directly in front of someone who is already there. Two rows is ok
2)Don't use your cell phone to text unless you are the only one in the cinema. That little blue light is really annoying. Even if you are on your own, just turn the damn phone off and watch the film (maybe I will do a post at some point on phone etiquette cos that annoys me just as much)
3) Don't talk during the film.
4) Especially don't talk about what you think is about to happen. I don't want to hear your predictions. I want to watch the film and see for myself.
5)Don't throw things at other people's heads
6)(This one's for the projectionists). Don't turn off the credits halfway through. Some people LIKE watching credits
So there we have it. I think maybe it is just simpler for me to watch movies on my own so I can sit there in silence, not throwing jaffas down the aisle and stay til the last credit rolls.
I like your cinema rules.
I agree, your cinema rules are very spot on.
Funny thing is that I was at the Auckland concert on friday night but your one sounded way better damn-it. We didn't get Jeremy which I am still slightly gutted about...
Tiki, we had the last concert of the tour, and so they were prepared to play for as long as possible. it was a fab night!
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