Monday, November 23, 2009

Please don't eat my nibling! It's not a piece of chicken!

My sister n law and my brother has just had their first baby a couple of days ago. This is FANTASTIC and I can't wait to shake his little hand when I am introduced to him tomorrow. Of course this baby malarkey is not new to me. Not that I have any kids myself but I have 12 niblings.

On a side note, for those of you who don't know what a nibling is, it is a neologism that means the collective form of niece and nephew. Me and my sister a few years ago were talking about the sheer negligence of the English language for not providing a word with this meaning. I mean the effort to say "I have 5 nephews and 7 nieces" (which incidentally I do) instead of "I have 12 niblings"! It seems that others coined this word before us! I always thought that we were the first! Oxford English Dictionary hasn't accepted it yet, but it's only a matter of time.

But first, back to the story at hand. So my brother is the final sibling (of 5) to start reproducing. I'm the only one who has no children at all, and at 29 and I do hope that one day this will change.

I LOVE children. I am planning on becoming a primary school teacher, and would like to have children of my own one day. As I have no long term partner at the moment, this is not a possibility for now. I would be happy to adopt if I couldn't have children of my own, but I kind of want to experience the whole carrying a baby thing. Maybe it will happen. I hope so one day.

In the meantime, in lieu of the fact that I don't have any video footage of my newest little nephew yet, here is a video of a baby polar bear. It's sooooo cute. It's much cuter if you watch it with the sound on.

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