Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Longest Day

In a couple of hours I will be on a big plane, heading to Los Angeles. When I get there, it will be two hours earlier than it is now, after having been on a plane for about 12 hours. Spooky. When I get back, I miss an entire day. Travelling is weird like that.

Anyhoo, my next adventure beckons. Seven weeks up the West Coast of the states and Canada, and I don't quite know what to expect. It should be easier in some ways as everyone speaks English, but I am a bit nervous whether they will "get" me. I don't really mean philosophically, but will they understand my accent? Will they get that I'm being sarcastic? Will they understand my cultural references? Maybe not. I also understand that going in I know a lot more about their culture through TV and Movies than they do about mine. But then, I have no idea how much of that is Hollywoodised and how much is real. I start my trip in Hollywood itself, the land of the fake, but am staying with a local (who is picking me up from the airport!) and then to an even more outlandish version of fake in Las Vegas. I'm weirdly nervous about it all. I am such a no frills kind of gal, and I just don't know whether I will fit in or like it. But there is only one way to tell. I think the fact that I am almost exclusively staying with couchsurfers and friends will mean that I get a pretty balanced view of the states, and then Canada when I get there.

I am really looking forward to it. I am excited to do those quintessential American things like eat Pumpkin Pie in a diner, and wander through Walmart. Maybe I'll even go to a ball game.

I should keep a running tally on how many people think I am a) English b) Australian and c) can't understand me at all and want me to produce subtitles under my chin.

I will be very impressed with anyone that picks my accent straight away. Maybe with Flight of the Conchords being so famous, along with Lord of the Rings, people will actually guess. I'll just have to wear my "Home is where the heart is" T Shirt with a big map of New Zealand to give them a clue.

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