Thursday, April 22, 2010


Everyone has been asking me if I have heard from Grad school. I haven't and was getting more and more frustrated, as what I do with the rest of my year depends on this outcome.

So I decided to take matters into my own hands, and wrote them an email last night. I edited it for about half an hour, determined to make sure the tone didn't sounds snarky. This is what I wrote:

Please forward this message to Lois (or someone else involved in the application process).

I had an interview on Friday 26th February for Primary Teacher Training. At the end of my interview, I was told that the last possible date that I could hear back was the 14th June (almost 4 months after my interview). I thought it seemed a long time to have to wait, as your website indicates that the processing of applications would be done as they are received rather than waiting, and that normally, the student would know approximately 2 weeks after their interview. I applied early because I will be travelling through North America (leaving 17th May), and won't be back in NZ again until 2 weeks before the start date of the course.

Two weeks ago I rang the office, and left a message requesting an update. As I have not heard back, this is the reason that I am following up with this email. If my application is successful, I will need to organise Student Allowance and Loan options soon as this takes time.

I very much want to do this course, and I hope that I showed my capabilities and enthusiasm in my interview, so if you could let me know the outcome before I leave, that would be a huge help to me.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon


And it seems to have worked. Here is their very quick response:

Dear Theresa

Thanks for your e-mail. I quite understand your issue. We have been on leave so your message of two weeks ago has missed us.

Our plan is to let you know the outcome of your application by the end of the first week of May….hopefully earlier.

If you havent had a letter by Friday 7 May please phone me.

With kind regards

Maybe I will hear before I go after all.

1 comment:

LK said...

Well done. I have been wondering but didn't want to ask. I'll keep my fingers crossed then.