A couple of weeks ago, I went to my sister Cesca's house for wine and nachos.
I seem to feed myself at her house about once a week these days, and it is lovely. I bring the wine, she feeds me nachos, fish n chips or falafel, and we chat, watch movies and generally have a good time. This time however, she had invited some other friends, who are all bloggers, Chia and Frally. All of their respective kids were there as well, and also Frally's husband.
So anyway, there we are happily sipping on our wines, when Frally's daughter comes up and talks to her Mum. She had the coolest, funky hairstyle and I commented on this to Frally.
"I do it myself", she proudly announced. "I can cut yours if you like, but I only know one style so you'll have to have the same cut."
After thinking for appoximately 3.14 seconds, I decided why the hell not? It seemed like a long time for me since I acted spontaneously.
10 years ago I did this sort of stuff all the time. I was forever getting new hair cuts, and crazy colours and styles. I even shaved my head once, much to the chagrin of my sister, and although it didn't really suit me, truth me told, the freedom and liberation I felt was quite amazing.
Hair cuts do something quite incredible. They give you a sense of starting over, and I know many people (including myself) who have decided to get a complete change (rather than the standard trim) after a bad breakup or bad patch. It gives you a sense that if the outside is different, the inside can be as well.
Maybe I'm analysing hair cuts way too much, but I truly think that sometimes, changing your appearance has a huge effect on self esteem (as long as it's a good one).
And it was. Frally did an excellent job, cutting the hair after only 2 wines, so as to be coherent enough to do a decent job.
"If it's crap, I'll pay for you to go to a hairdresser."
To be honest, I wasn't even thinking about the possibility of it being crap. It was just an exciting thing to do. I hadn't done this sort of thing for so long, that it made me feel closer to my crazy days of youth. Not that I'm exactly old or anything, but I have felt myself getting closer and closer to boring.
I've never been cool, but I've always been alternative. At the moment not so much in dress but in mind, but 10 years ago, I would throw the strangest things together (not always working) and wander off to university. I liked people looking at me. I liked the attention of looking a bit different. These days, I want to blend in a lot more, I enjoy being largely anonymous, but this haircut, although not completely crazy, was funky enough to be cool.
Of course my mother hates it. But she is the only one. I've had heaps of compliments about it.
Here it is:

Frally, the haidresser extraordinaire happily sips her well deserved vino

My new funky hair. Brother n law looks on
So that's my new hair. I actually have been meaning to blog about this for a while, but I've been down in the deep south of the south island. Not a lot of internet access. I'll blog about my trip over the next couple of days, as it was a pretty awesome one.
That was a good night! I totally agree with you about the whole haircut/change thing. I'm thinking about getting mine cut differently, but I'm on a frugal drive, so I think I'll do it myself as usual. Hey, if I stuff it up, it's only hair, it grows back.
I like the idea of a new change... but seriously? I only want my hair long and layered. How much change can I get there?
By the way, we missed you for dinner last week while you were away! Must do something this week...
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