I caught up with friends and family, and it was fantastic to not have any worries about school and just enjoy. So I was at my sister's house drinking cider, eating our obligatory nachos (yum yum) and generally chatting, when the discussion of the latest installation at the Art Gallery came up. I'm not a huge Art Gallery patron. In fact, I almost never go there, and the last time I actively made sure I went to an exhibition was for an incrdible black and white photography exhibition which was incredible. Her name was Ans Westra, and she is originally from Holland. If you want to see more about her, I found this:
So anyway, this time it was for an exhibition that looked at bodies in different contexts and size, and was a series of amazing displays of people that looked incredibly real, right down to the goosebumps or veins under the skin, but had been totally created. It was absolutely phenomenal. His name is Ron Mueck and I highly recommend that you go and see this exhibition. It's on in the Christchurch Art Gallery for the next 3 months or so. What made this so incredible was the way that he played with dimensions and perspectives and on most of the sculptures, the body was naked so as not to distract from the absolute beauty and intricacy of the art. There was a 9 ft full term pregnant woman in absolute proportion, looking shattered and deflated as she reached the end of her pregnancy. There were tiny gossiping old woman, giant babies complete with an umblilico cord, and a wild man with a look of utter fear on his face, as he knew he was trapped in a world where he did not belong. You can see some of these sculptures at this website:

Now when I looked at this website, it was the first time I had actually looked him up, and I decided that besides being an absolutely exceptional artist and sculptor, he gains even more legend status in my mind for being the voice Ludo from one of my absolute favourite movies of all time, Labyrinth. It actually makes sense really, as he was a model maker, so it actually ties very clearly with his exhibition.

Anyway, Ron Mueck, you are my new hero. I also think that Seth McFarlane, creator and voice of most of the characters on Family Guy is incredible. I love that show, and love how they just poke fun at everything, including Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. I actually saw it again, with my sister and her kids the other day, as the Art Gallery was showing it for free just after we arrived. Not wanting to offend the gods of Serendipity we went and watched it (me for the 4th or 5th time) but for the kids and my sis, for the first. It was great. I love that movie. Seeing the end again though, reminded me of this Family Guy parody:
Oh how I laughed.
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