The issue that I am struggling with is the volume of my voice. I've always known that I have had a loud voice, and growing up as the youngest of 6 children, it was one of the ways that you were able to be heard. As I've gotten older, occasionally people have commented on my loud voice, and for some reason it has always been one of the most sensitive issues for me and it always upsets me. You'd think that the mere fact that I know I have a loud voice, would mean that it wouldn't bother me. But for some reason it does. I wish my volume was softer, and I have tried many many times to be quieter, but what happens is that when I get comfortable with people or a situation, my volume naturally goes up. I'm naturally a chatty, bubbly and happy person. My moods are pretty even and happy. You know what you're going to get when you see me. I enjoy people's company and I'm pretty certain that people enjoy mine. But for some reason, when someone comments on my loud voice, I take it really personal, and take it as an attack on who I am, even though I know that it isn't. Automatically I decide "well then I won't speak at all!". I temporarily go very into myself, and sad.
So, how do I create a balance? How do I reduce the volume of my voice and not reduce my personality, which, I do actually, for the most part really like. Is it something that you can consciously work on, or is it like a laugh, something that is innate?
I'm not sure anymore. I have been aware of this aspect of me, and been trying to change it for as long as I can remember. I haven't changed so far.
By the way, it has been mentioned that I lower my voice volume as part of professional competence as a trainee teacher. I get that a lower volume in a classroom means that the kids are quieter, but should my volume in the staffroom be an issue? I would love your thoughts and ideas on this.